
Throughout the years, the vehicular safety systems have evolved from passive systems (seatbelt, airbag) to active systems (ABS, EPS). Recent researches show that leveraging the state-of-art wireless networking technology is the next logical step towards a pro-active vehicular safety system. Such pro-active system will provide reliable safety services while concurrently support commercial data service. Vehicle-to-vehicle ad hoc communication and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication are both involved.


In Emergency Warning Message (EWM) propagation, the main design goal is the propagation latency of the first EWM (initial latency). Due to the anonymity problem, the EWM is broadcast out for receivers located at certain place not for individual peer. Therefore, broadcast based forwarding not multi-hop route setup is adopted. The self-contention at MAC layer as well as that from background data traffic is the major challenge here.

To access to Internet, v2i (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication is involved. Taking the short duration that a moving vehicle stays in one WLAN cell into account, fast association and handoff between vehicles to infrastructure must be studied. The v2v data sharing is proposed to efficiently share the acquired data from Internet among vehicles. The challenging part in v2v data sharing is the efficiency which distinguishes it from the above EWM propagation.

Last but not least, there isn't a renowned simulation environment for VANET research.

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