Welcome to Network Vulnerability Assessment Project

In this project, we are interested in modeling and evaluating the impact of node capture attacks on the security provided by particular classes of cryptographic key assignment. Because of the unattended operation of sensors and other ad-hoc network devices, an adversary may be able to perform node capture attacks, i.e., physically capture and compromise network nodes. Toward this problem, we have developed a toolkit which allows a user to specify a set of network and key assignment parameters, create an instance of a secure wireless network, and observe the effects of node capture. We have made the toolkit freely available to download as a Java Application..

This project was completed at NSL under the guidance of Prof. Radha Poovendran. The graduate students working on this project include Patrick Tague and David Slater.


Relevant Research Publications
Aspect of this tool are based on the following publications

UW EE Department Annual Research Review Articles
This system and the corresponding techniques have been featured in the annual research review of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington as:

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