Basic Diode with Forward and Reverse Recovery

Model Description This model is a simple, basic diode model based on the standard SPICE diode with the addition of forward recovery, reverse recovery and emitter recombination. During reverse recovery, the diode current exponentially decays to the reverse saturation cur rent, independently of the diode reverse voltage.
Model Parameters Model parameters are the same as those of the standard SPICE diode model with the addition of carrier lifetime "Tau", initial or unmodulated base resistance "Rm0", and high current factor for emitter recombination "Ise". The standard SPICE diode includ es only a diffusion transit time parameter "TT". Both "TT" and "Tau" are required for reverse recovery. Conversions of the popular Qrr and trr to "TT" and "Tau" are given with the Basic Diode 

Setting "Rm0" = 0 omits forward recovery.
Setting "Ise" = 0 omits emitter (or end region) recombination.

Performance Level: BASIC
Quality Classification: 3B
This model has been extensively used.
Parameter extraction is available.
Original Support for Model Development CDADIC, 1990-91
Documentation C.L. Ma, P.O. Lauritzen, "A simple power diode model with forward and reverse recovery", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 8, pp 342-346, October1993.
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