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Equipment Reservation Request Form

Please fill out all the information below, then click on the "Submit your request" button at the bottom of the page. Allow 24 hours for your request to be processed.

If, after making your reservation, you find you're not going to need it after all - please let us know so other people can take advantage of the opening.

You must read and agree to the following policies and terms of use:


  • Meeting room and equipment reservation requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Submission of this form does not imply that you have a reservation. After your request has been processed (normally within 24 hours), you will receive another email confirming your reservation.

Terms of Use: You MUST make sure the following items are done before returning your equipment to the ECE Front Desk.

  • After use, make sure all cords bound and are enclosed in projector/laptop bag.
  • You MUST account for any additional cords, cables, or attachments you've borrowed.

By checking this box, I indicate I understand the policies and agree to abide by the terms of use listed above.

Contact Information

Your name (first and last)
UW (or ECE) email address
Phone #
Which UW department
are you with?

Reservation Information

I need both an LCD projector and a laptop
I only need a LCD projector
I only need a laptop

Additional Information

Important: Please indicate the location you'll be using this equipment, and for what purpose (for example: "I will be giving a presentation in room 303")