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Affiliate Faculty

Vitaly Ablavsky HeadshotVitaly AblavskyAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderAlejandro AceroAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderBasel AlomairAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderHamidreza AmindavarAffiliate Professor
Larry Arnstein HeadshotLarry ArnsteinAffiliate Professor
Bishnu Atal HeadshotBishnu AtalAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderDavid BaischAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderRajashree BaskaranAffiliate Assistant Professor
Gary D. Bernard HeadshotGary D. BernardAffiliate Professor
Stan Birchfield HeadshotStan BirchfieldAffiliate Assistant Professorcomputer vision, roboticsRobotics and Controls
Headshot PlaceholderRandy BlyAffiliate Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Acting Assistant Professor, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Seattle Children's Hospital
Shawn Bohnert HeadshotShawn BohnertAffiliate Professor
Tamara Bonaci HeadshotTamara BonaciAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderPramod BondeAffiliate Assistant Professor
John Bush HeadshotJohn BushAffiliate Instructor
Anat Caspi HeadshotAnat CaspiAffiliate Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Director, Taskar Center for Accessible Technology; Research Principal, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering; Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Robert J. Cavagnaro HeadshotRobert J. CavagnaroAffiliate Assistant Professor; Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Ranveer Chandra HeadshotRanveer ChandraAffiliate ProfessorNetworking, Wireless, RF, Systems, Agriculture, IoT
Headshot PlaceholderCameron CharlesAffiliate Assistant Professor
Xiang Chen HeadshotXiang ChenAffiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Shane Colburn HeadshotShane ColburnAffiliate Assistant ProfessorOptics, Photonics, Metasurfaces, Computational ImagingElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Mauro Conti HeadshotMauro ContiAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderEmily CooperAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderThomas A. CwikAffiliate Professor
Patricia D. Daniels HeadshotPatricia D. DanielsAffiliate Professor
Arindam Das HeadshotArindam DasAffiliate Associate Professor
Li Deng HeadshotLi DengAffiliate Professor
Nirav Desai HeadshotNirav DesaiAffiliate Assistant Professor
Ken Eguro HeadshotKen EguroAffiliate Associate Professor
Andrea Fanelli HeadshotAndrea FanelliAffiliate ProfessorWearable Devices, Immersive and Personalized Audio and Video Experiences, Human Computer Interfaces, Speech Processing and Analytics Biosystems
Gordon Farquharson HeadshotGordon FarquharsonAffiliate Assistant Professor
Baruch Feldman HeadshotBaruch FeldmanAffiliate Assistant ProfessorBox 352500206-221-5270
Jay Giri HeadshotJay GiriAffiliate Associate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderEvan GoldsteinAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderAnthony P. GoodsonAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderAndrew GrayAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderHsiu-Wu GuoAffiliate Assistant Professor
Jose A. Gutierrez HeadshotJose A. GutierrezAffiliate Adjunct Professorsystem architecture, embedded systems, computer vision, wireless, energy
Amer A. Hassan HeadshotAmer A. HassanAffiliate Professor
Xiaodong He HeadshotXiaodong HeAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderMichael HeggAffiliate Associate ProfessorSensors, Smart Sensing, Contextual AI
Thomas R. Henderson HeadshotThomas R. HendersonAffiliate ProfessorM354 EEB
Headshot PlaceholderMichael HochbergAffiliate Assistant Professor
Gang Hua HeadshotGang HuaAffiliate ProfessorComputer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Statistical Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics Robotics and Controls; Data Science
Headshot PlaceholderXuedong HuangAffiliate Professor
Kevin Huang HeadshotKevin HuangAffiliate Professor
Mei-Yuh Hwang HeadshotMei-Yuh HwangAffiliate Professor
Jai Jaisimha HeadshotJai JaisimhaAffiliate ProfessorEntrepreneurship, Venture Formation, Product development, AI, Data Science, Machine Learning
Brian Johnson HeadshotBrian JohnsonAffiliate Assistant ProfessorM322 ECE206-616-4502
Headshot PlaceholderEric JonesAffiliate Assistant Professor
Sreeram Kannan HeadshotSreeram KannanAffiliate Associate Professor Information theory, blockchains, artificial intelligence, networks, computational biology206-685-8756Computing and Networking; Data Science
Headshot PlaceholderDavid Leon KaplanAffiliate Assistant Professor
Chanaka Keerthisinghe HeadshotChanaka KeerthisingheAffiliate Assistant ProfessorMicrogrids, Power Systems, Optimization, Machine Learning
Headshot PlaceholderYoon Sang KimAffiliate Assistant Professor
David W. Krout HeadshotDavid W. KroutAffiliate Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Principal Engineer, Applied Physics LaboratoryApplied Physics Laboratory
University of Washington
1013 NE 40th Street
Seattle, WA 98105
Anna Kuchina HeadshotAnna KuchinaAffiliate Assistant Professormicrobial systems biology, biotechnology development Biosystems
Duncan Yu Lam HeadshotDuncan Yu LamAffiliate Assistant Professor
David B Laning HeadshotDavid B LaningAffiliate Professor
Wu-Jung Lee HeadshotWu-Jung LeeSenior OceanographerOcean acoustics, Animal echolocation, Data science in oceanography
Ang Li HeadshotAng LiAffiliate Associate ProfessorHigh Performance Computing, Quantum Computing, Computer Architecture
Matthieu Liger HeadshotMatthieu LigerAffiliate Associate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderFrank D. LindAffiliate Associate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderHui LiuAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderZicheng LiuAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderHenry LouieAffiliate Assistant Professor
Henrique Malvar HeadshotHenrique MalvarAffiliate Professor
Thomas Matula HeadshotThomas MatulaAffiliate Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering ; Affiliate Associate Professor, BioEngineeringApplied Physics Lab
Box 355640
Sachin Mehta HeadshotSachin MehtaAffiliate Assistant ProfessorMachine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence
De Meng HeadshotDe MengAffiliate Assistant ProfessorBox 352500
Headshot PlaceholderAgnieszka MiguelAffiliate Associate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderBharath Kumar R. ModayurAffiliate Assistant Professor
Karthik Mohan HeadshotKarthik MohanAffiliate ProfessorRecommender systems, natural language generation and chat bots, AI in health care and genomicsComputing and Networking; Data Science
Headshot PlaceholderRajen Manicon MuruganAffiliate Assistant Professor
Saman Naderiparizi HeadshotSaman NaderipariziAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderNicholas NagelAffiliate Assistant Professor
Pavel Nikitin HeadshotPavel NikitinAffiliate Associate Professor
Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez HeadshotMiguel A. Ortega-VazquezAffiliate Associate ProfessorCampus Box 352500
Hamid Palangi HeadshotHamid PalangiAffiliate Associate ProfessorArtificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Signal Processing
Babak Parviz HeadshotBabak ParvizAffiliate Professorphotonics; nanodevices; biosystemsBox 352500
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 981095
Biosystems; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Andreas Pedross-Engel HeadshotAndreas Pedross-EngelAffiliate Assistant ProfessorPhysics-based Signal Processing, Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Sensing, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computational Imaging
Headshot PlaceholderJames PittonAffiliate Associate Professor
Andrew Putnam HeadshotAndrew PutnamAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderKourosh RahnamaiAffiliate Professor
Bhaskar Ramasubramanian HeadshotBhaskar RamasubramanianAffiliate Assistant Professor Cyber-Physical Systems, Reinforcement Learning, Formal Methods, Control
Ceon Ramon HeadshotCeon RamonAffiliate Professor(206) 778-0942
Vaishnavi Ranganathan HeadshotVaishnavi RanganathanAffiliate Assistant ProfessorLow power wireless sensing, energy harvesting and sensor data analytics for applications in environment, health, and sustainability
John Reece HeadshotJohn ReeceAffiliate Professor
Colin Norris Reinhardt HeadshotColin Norris ReinhardtAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderEric RombokasAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderJacob RosenAffiliate Associate Professor
Harisankar (Hari) Sadasivan HeadshotHarisankar (Hari) SadasivanAffiliate Assistant ProfessorSystems for AI and lifesciences
Visvesh Sathe HeadshotVisvesh Sathe Affiliate Associate ProfessorEnergy-efficient computing, power-management, implantable electronics, runtime hardware optimization, computationally enhanced mixed-signal circuits and VLSI design 206-543-7635Biosystems; Computing and Networking
Headshot PlaceholderKevin P. SchneiderAffiliate Associate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderMichael SeltzerAffiliate Associate Professor
Mohammad S. Sharawi HeadshotMohammad S. SharawiAffiliate Professor Multi-band Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems, Reconfigurable and active integrated antenna systems, Radio-frequency circuits and applied electromagnetics
Headshot PlaceholderDaryoush ShiriAffiliate Assistant Professor
Surya Singh HeadshotSurya SinghAffiliate Assistant Professor(650) 762-6896
Malcolm Slaney HeadshotMalcolm SlaneyAffiliate Professor
Andrew Sloss HeadshotAndrew SlossAffiliate Assistant ProfessorEmbedded Systems, Computer Architecture, Computation Theory, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Semiconductor Trends
Shuaiwen Leon Song HeadshotShuaiwen Leon SongAffiliate Assistant Professor
Yun-Hsuan (Melody) Su HeadshotYun-Hsuan (Melody) SuAffiliate ProfessorMedical Robotics, Computer Vision, Haptics, Bilateral Teleoperation, Machine Learning
Rajesh Subramanyan HeadshotRajesh SubramanyanAffiliate ProfessorSoftware Engineering, Systems Engineering, Testing, Automation, Distributed Computing, High Performance Computing, Networking
Minas Tanielian HeadshotMinas TanielianAffiliate Professor425-306-1706
Headshot PlaceholderIvan Jelev TashevAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderJohn ThomasAffiliate Assistant Professor
Rahul Trivedi HeadshotRahul TrivediAffiliate Assistant ProfessorQuantum Information Theory, Quantum OpticsElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Data Science
Headshot PlaceholderLeung TsangAffiliate Professor
Mani Vadari HeadshotMani VadariAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderSteven C. VenemaAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderMani VenkataAffiliate Professor
Headshot PlaceholderXudong WangAffiliate Professor
Wei-Chih Wang HeadshotWei-Chih WangAffiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Mechanical EngineeringMEB 114C206-543-2479
Haixun Wang HeadshotHaixun WangAffiliate ProfessorMachine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graph650-798-9956
Claire Watts HeadshotClaire WattsAffiliate Assistant Professor Millimeter wave imaging and sensingElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Headshot PlaceholderDirk Nicolas WeissAffiliate Assistant Professor
Headshot PlaceholderLin XiaoAffiliate Assistant Professor
Murat Kaya Yapici HeadshotMurat Kaya YapiciAffiliate Assistant Professor
Bill Yuchen Lin HeadshotBill Yuchen LinAffiliate Assistant ProfessorLarge Language Models, Natural Language Processing, Machine LearningRobotics and Controls; Data Science