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Computing and Networking

UW ECE’s Computer and Network research includes computer architecture and computer system engineering, VLSI, embedded computing, wireless networks, and wireless communication research. Several of UW ECE’s Computers and Networking faculty hold joint and secondary appointments in computer science and engineering and teach jointly in the Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering departments.

Computer Engineering and Architecture

Operating systems, performance analysis, and testbed development, FPGA based computing architectures

Faculty: Visvesh SatheScott HauckMatt ReynoldsC.J. Richard ShiJoshua SmithMani Soma, Michael Taylor

Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)

Analog and digital VLSI integrated circuits, devices, and applications, energy management

Faculty: Visvesh SatheJacques Christophe RudellC.J. Richard ShiMani SomaMichael Taylor

Embedded Systems

Mobile devices, embedded control systems, real-time systems, tools and networks

Faculty: Matt ReynoldsShwetak PatelJoshua SmithSumit Roy, Michael Taylor, Akshay Gadre


Wireless Communication

Internet architecture, network economics, distributed systems, developing country infrastructure

Faculty: Radha PoovendranSumit RoyJames RitceyPayman Arabshahi, Yasuo Kuga, Akshay Gadre


Network security, game theory, statistical modeling, machine learning and control and systems theory

Faculty: Radha PoovendranPayman Arabshahi

Latest News

The Integrator 2024–2025

Read the latest issue of The Integrator, UW ECE’s flagship annual magazine highlighting the Department’s extraordinary faculty and student research, achievements, alumni stories, special events and more from this past year!

UW ECE is Hiring!

UW ECE is inviting applications for tenure-track associate and assistant professor positions.


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