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M.P. (Anant) Anantram Professor; Graduate Program Coordinator Quantum and bio-nano devices, quantum transport, memory devices, device and materials, theory and modeling, nanotechnology M218 ECE 206-221-5162 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Payman Arabshahi Professor; Associate Chair for Education; Industry Liaison Wireless sensor networks, space and underwater communications, resilience of critical infrastructure, graph optimization
450 ECE 206-221-6990 Computing and Networking Les Atlas Professor Digital signal processing, nonstationary processes, machine learning, audio and acoustics, virology
410 ECE 206-685-1315 Data Science ; Biosystems Jeffrey A. Bilmes Professor Machine learning, speech/language/bioinformatics/music, submodularity & discrete optimization 418 ECE 206-221-5236 Data Science ; Biosystems Karl F. Böhringer Professor; Director, NanoES Institute MEMS/NEMS, microfluidics, self-assembly, microsystems, nanoengineering
253I ECE 206-221-5177 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Samuel Burden Associate Professor sensorimotor control, robotics, neuroengineering, cyber-physical systems
M442 ECE 206-221-3545 Robotics and Controls ; Biosystems Tai-Chang Chen Teaching Professor Sensors and sensor systems, III-V semiconductors, microfabrication, microfluidics, thin film deposition technology 238 PAC 206-221-5388 Jungwon Choi Assistant Professor Power electronics, Renewable Energy, Wide bandgap devices, Magnetic designs, and Wireless power transfer ECE M346 685-4241 Power and Energy Systems Maryam Fazel Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professor; Lytle Lectureship Chair Optimization, Machine learning, Foundations of Data Science, Control theory 230 PAC 206-616-4781 Robotics and Controls ; Data Science Kai-Mei Fu Virginia and Prentice Bloedel Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering Quantum and nano-photonics, quantum networks, quantum defects in crystals
B445 PAB & 234 ECE 206-543-2787 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Mahmood Hameed Associate Teaching Professor Fiber optics and photonics, systems engineering, algorithm development and optimization, digital signals and systems, signal processing, and wireless and telecommunication systems ECE 230 206-685-2313 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) ; Data Science ; Computing and Networking Blake Hannaford Professor Medical Robotics and Analytics, Haptic Interfaces, Teleoperation
M434 ECE 206-543-2197 Robotics and Controls ; Biosystems Scott Hauck Gaetano Borriello Professor for Educational Excellence FPGA Applications, Architectures, Compilers, and CAD Tools; Reconfigurable Computing; FPGAs in High Energy Physics; High-Speed Deep Learning; Computer Engineering Education. 307Q ECE 206-412-1523 Computing and Networking Rania Hussein Associate Teaching Professor embedded systems, digital twinning, immersive technologies, remote engineering, medical image analysis, AI-powered learning technologies, digital pedagogy for engineering education 234 PAC 206-616-9950 Computing and Networking ; Data Science Jenq-Neng Hwang Professor Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Multimedia Networking, Image/Video Analytics
M426 ECE 206-685-1603 Data Science Kim Ingraham Assistant Professor control systems, wearable sensors, robotics ECE M418 Robotics and Controls Daniel Kirschen Donald W. and Ruth Mary Close Professor Power system operation and economics, renewable energy, grid resilience M326 ECE 206-543-2174 Power and Energy Systems Eric Klavins Professor; Chair Synthetic biology, lab automation, control systems
236 PAC 206-221-5270 Robotics and Controls ; Biosystems Jose Nathan Kutz Professor, Applied Mathematics; Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Adjunct Professor, Physics Data analysis and reduced order models, dynamical systems, physics-informed machine learning, complex systems and partial differential equations, linear and nonlinear wave propagation, perturbation and asymptotic methods, bifurcation theory, scientific computing, data-driven control theory, mode-locked lasers, neuroscience, sensor networks, and fluid dynamics Lewis Hall #118 (206) 685-3029 Data Science ; Computing and Networking Mo Li Professor; Associate Chair for Research Integrated photonics, quantum photonics, NEMS/MEMS, sensors M246 ECE 206-616-6966 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Ang Li Assistant Professor Computer Architecture, Digital VLSI, Reconfigurable Computing, Hardware Acceleration, Design Automation, Open Source Hardware ECE 414 Computing and Networking Lih Lin Professor; Undergraduate Program Coordinator Photonics, perovskite optoelectronics, optical MEMS M414 ECE 206-543-2168 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) June Lukuyu Assistant Professor data analytics, computing techniques, energy system modeling, social sciences, integrated energy development ECE M418 Power and Energy Systems Yiyue Luo Assistant Professor digital fabrication, intelligent textiles, human-machine interfaces ECE M350 Arka Majumdar Professor; Qualifying Exam Coordinator Nanophotonics, Integrated quantum optics, Meta-optics M230 ECE 206-616-5558 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Sep Makhsous Assistant Teaching Professor Embedded Systems, Digital Circuits, Controls and Robotics, Biomedical Devices, Image and Signal Processing, Machine Learning
ECE 234 Robotics and Controls ; Biosystems Sajjad Moazeni Assistant Professor System Integration for Emerging Technologies, Integrated Photonics, Mixed-signal Integrated Circuits, Neurophotonics & Biophotonics
ECE M422 206-616-5494 Biosystems ; Computing and Networking ; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Chet Moritz CJ and Elizabeth Yun Hwang Endowed Professor Experimental neuroscience, communication and interface M450 ECE 206-616-0643 Biosystems Luyao Niu Assistant Teaching Professor programming, signals, sensors & circuits, machine learning, optimization and control, game theory Computing and Networking Amy Orsborn Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor brain-computer interfaces, sensorimotor control systems, engineered brain plasticity, adaptive decoding and multi-agent learning
M430 ECE 206-616-2049 Biosystems Mari Ostendorf System Design Methodologies Professor; Vice Provost for Research Speech and language processing, conversational AI, computational models of prosody, applications of language processing, machine learning
215D ECE 206-221-5748 Data Science Max Parsons Research Assistant Professor; Director, Quantum Technologies Training and Testbed (QT3) Lab ECE 222 and B023
(206) 543-9689 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Shwetak N. Patel Washington Research Foundation Endowed Professor Ubiquitous computing, sensing, human-computer interaction, embedded systems 540 PAC Biosystems ; Data Science ; Computing and Networking John Raiti Associate Teaching Professor Robotics and Controls, Biosystems, Internet of Things (IoT) and Connected Devices Global Innovation Exchange Room 115 206-897-9028 Lillian Ratliff Associate Professor; Dhanani Endowed Faculty Fellowship recipient Machine learning, game theory, decision-making, optimization, artificial intelligence
426 ECE 206-543-6244 Robotics and Controls ; Data Science Matt Reynolds Associate Professor Ultra-low power sensing and computation, RFID, wireless power transfer, biomedical applications, and smart materials and surfaces
M226 ECE 206-616-5046 Robotics and Controls ; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) ; Biosystems Sumit Roy Integrated Systems Professor 5G & beyond wireless networking, software-defined radios/networks, spectrum sharing M330 ECE 206-221-5261 Computing and Networking Chris Rudell Professor Analog, RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits Design, Wireless Systems, Integrated Biomedical Applications, PET Imaging Electronics
M410 ECE 206-685-1600 Biosystems ; Computing and Networking Linda G. Shapiro Professor; Boeing Professor in Computer Science & Engineering computer vision, pattern recognition, medical image analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence 634 PAC 206-543-2196 Data Science ; Biosystems C. J. Richard Shi Professor Machine learning hardware, integrated circuit design, electronic design automation
210 ECE 206-221-5291 Data Science ; Biosystems ; Computing and Networking Eli Shlizerman Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Electrical & Computer Engineering; Washington Research Foundation Professor for Data-intensive Discovery Machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence and neural engineering 446 ECE 206-685-1979 Robotics and Controls ; Data Science ; Biosystems Joshua R. Smith Milton and Delia Zeutschel Professor in Entrepreneurial Excellence; PMP Faculty Coordinator Sensor systems; wireless power; sensing for robotics; ubiquitous computing; personal robotics 556 PAC 206-685-2094 Biosystems ; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) ; Power and Energy Systems Michael B. Taylor Professor Computer Architecture, VLSI, Deep Learning / Machine Learning Hardware, Bitcoin Mining Hardware, Open Source Hardware & RISC-V, ASIC Clouds 564 PAC Computing and Networking Denise M. Wilson Professor; Academic Progress Coordinator; Peer-Teaching Review Coordinator; Associate Chair for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Chemicals sensors, solar cell systems, wearable sensors, engineering education, women in the engineering workforce M222 ECE 206-221-5238 Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS) Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad Washington Research Foundation Innovation Associate Professor M454 ECE (206) 543-6127 Biosystems Jing Yu Affiliate Professor control theory, machine learning, optimization Baosen Zhang Keith and Nancy Rattie Endowed Career Development Professor; Awards Coordinator Power systems, optimization, control, AI M310 ECE 206-616-3818 Computing and Networking ; Power and Energy Systems ; Robotics and Controls Banghua Zhu Assistant Professor Foundation Models; Reinforcement Learning; Data Science; Machine Learning; Game Theory; Artificial Intelligence