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Evolution of Mobile Air Interface Technology

Arogyaswami Paulraj


With nearly seven billion subscribers and the proliferation of smart phones, the impact of mobile wireless technology is both universal and transformative. This talk is a personal perspective of the evolution of mobile air interface technology and the underlying regulatory, competitive and commercial factors that shaped its evolution. The talk will outline the story behind the advent of TDMA, the rise of CDMA, the transition to MIMO-OFDMA, and what may be coming next.


Arogyaswami Paulraj Paulraj is an Emeritus Professor at Stanford University. He graduated with a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, in 1973. After 25 years with the Indian Navy, Paulraj joined Stanford University in 1992. He proposed the concept of spatial multiplexing/MIMO in 1992. MIMO technology is the key to today’s wireless broadband networks like 4G cellular and WiFi. Paulraj has received several recognitions including the 2011 IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal and the 2014 Marconi Prize and Fellowship. He is a member of seven national academies including the US National Academy of Engineering.

Arogyaswami Paulraj Headshot
Arogyaswami Paulraj
Stanford University
Microsoft Atrium, Paul G. Allen Center
20 Oct 2014, 3:30pm until 4:30pm